I'm not living I'm just killing time - Radiohead
I'm not dead, but my computer is. Sorry to all three (possibly four) of my avid readers/dear friends for the lack of updates. I've returned to call center work for the time being but hope to have something good worked out soon. I'm trying to figure out where I'll be living come September but have a few possibilities. I'm looking forward to possibly having roommates I'll actually hang out with. Still checking out shows/attending Indie Dance Nights/playing Ultimate/acting silly any chance I get. At work my trainer offered to pick up drinks and donuts for us from Timmy's. I tried to order a apple fritter smoothie but it was a no go. The hot chocolate I ended up having was enjoyable none the less. I'll give fuller updates throughout the week. I'm house/cat sitting for my brother and his girlfriend so I have internet access.
Take care.
Beardo loves you.